Monday, February 13, 2012

India's Free Lunch

India's Free Lunch Tube. Duration : 15.93 Mins.

Since 2001 all Indian primary schools have provided pupils with a free midday meal. Seven years on truancy rates have been slashed, and child health is soaring. Western governments are taking note. "Compared to ours, today's generation is better off," explains a cook at one school we visited. Vijay Bhaskar agrees, he is the food administrator in Karnataka, and reveals, "the number of children out of school has reduced from 1 million to 70000." The scheme has also seen off the junk food industry, as Bhaskar comments, "any person who has seen children eating a hot meal knows that no cookie can substitute." April 2008 Produced by SBS Dateline Distributed by Journeyman Pictures

Tags: India, Free, Lunch, Journeyman, Pictures, Documentary, Hunger, South, Tamil, Nadu, Bangalore, Poverty, Primary, School, Health, news, current affairs, journeyman pictures

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